// Visual Invasion

I'm Kristel, 19 and an aspiring writer. This blog will mostly contain self-rants and plot ideas.

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Big help from : Wani | WHI | C4U | Una

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Just a quick~
Friday, May 25, 2012 | 12:18:00 AM | 0 Sweet Cupcake
So the weather has been terribly nice the past few days *A* srz, I'm slowly crawling out of the shadows of my room and finding my way outside. It's loooooovely, despite the lack of summer clothes .w.' Seriously, walking around in warm, tight skinny jeans with the sun BURNING on your legs and you feel like your limbs are getting fried.. Not really a nice feeling. Yet, I managed to walk around outside most of the day today :) I went shopping with Arlette and Mii-chan, FINALLY got my Got2b hairspray and managed to finish my Len wig :D I cut off so much hair D; It used to be so long.. But the wig now definitely makes much more sense than before! I hated the thing, I couldn't style it properly! Yet, after spending about 3 hours cutting, spraying and blowdrying around the thing I fell in love with it again ;W; too bad I won't be doing a Kagamine Len cosplay this year, but.. at least it's styled properly now, I'm proud (:

This weekend we'll have some relatives over from the capital, so it's going to be BUSY BUSY! Probably we'll be either playing Soul Calibur 5... or I wonder how I can keep my cousins busy.. It's been a while since we last saw them .w. mhn. Anyways, maybe I'll visit the Pentecost market with my family, need to remind myself that I'll have to buy stripped stockings for Steffanie, since she already found the shoes I need for my secret cosplay ;W; FOR A CHEAPSKATE PRICE FOR THE CHEAPSKATE I AM .. Yeh ;W; Thanks girly <3

Oh, and if that wasn't enough yet, I CAN BUY MY SECRET COSPLAY NEXT WEEEK ;A; And I might have a new job =w=;; It won't be much, but enough to pass time and make some money I guess! At least my parents will stop their nagging about; YOU SHOULD GET OUT THERE MORE. Okay, OKAY you were right.. So I hope I'll get the jobinterview in a while and can start of as MAILMAN *^* Yesh!

Mhn .w. Lately I've been having a lot of moodswings, despite not being preggos, I think it's just that I'm still trying to figure out some things. My scumbag brains are still ont he loose and they won't give me a break at times. So yeah, I might be off and on a lot, might be online without even being there. Ahem anyway, just give me some time to sort things out. The weather is doing a great deal on my mood tho :) so, so to say, I'm quite happy at the moment.

But yeah, I should probably sleep! Tomorrow I have some house cleaning to do .3. And I'll go out in the afternoon and later at night. Ice cream date and then evening picnic *^* Me gusta! Anyways, I'm off... GAH ALL INSECTS HAVE TO SHOW UP RIGHT NOW, SCARING THE CRAP OUT OF ME!
